Amalgam Free Dentistry

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There are a wide array of dental procedures that require the use of an additive material to help support the natural structure of your teeth. However, more than just metallic fixtures, there are ways to customize your treatment.

Ferguson Family Dental provides comprehensive mercury-free and amalgam-free dentistry treatments. These are done by using materials such as porcelain to perform procedures that can be done for restorative reasons or by a cosmetic dentist in Barrie. The materials do not contain amalgam materials such as mercury or similar metals, and can be recoloured to more closely match your teeth.

It is important to note that while we do provide amalgam-free treatments, there is no distinct harm in using dental amalgam in your treatments. If you have any concern or preference either way, discuss with a dental professional such as your family dentist in Barrie at Ferguson Family Dental.

Restorative dentistry is a type of dental procedure that aims to repair or substitute the structure of your natural teeth. The restorative work can range from bonded fillings and dental crowns, to procedures such as root canal therapy and implant restorations. At Ferguson Family Dental, your Barrie dentist can offer an array of services for various oral health issues.

Your Barrie dentist is able to make changes to the amalgam and customize it to the unique circumstances of your situation. Any procedure that you do will be tailored to you, but so will the material that we use. Amalgam treatments can be recoloured to more closely match the natural tint of your teeth than metallic alternatives. It is important to note that while it can be altered slightly, there may be noticable discolouration. If you are considering any sort of dental treatment, it is best to discuss with an oral health professional before making the final decision.

If you are interested in one of our amalgam-free dentistry, contact Ferguson Family Dental or request an appointment online. We will gladly be your family dentist in Barrie and offer you more information on any of our treatments.

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We combine experience with the latest in dental technology to deliver the best patient experience possible.
